Future Harvest Bud Start

Sale price£44.50


Bud Start
Kickstart Your Plants' Bloom Cycle

Introducing Bud Start, the ultimate early flower enhancer designed to kickstart your plants' bloom cycle. By delivering a powerful dose of phosphorus and potassium, Bud Start provides your plants with the nutrients they need to start bulking up and reach their full potential.

Maximise Your Yields
Bud Start is essential for growers looking to maximize their yields. As your plants transition from the vegetative stage to the flowering stage, this bloom booster helps them gain weight and speed up flower development, resulting in stickier, denser buds.

Visible Results
Using Bud Start in your grow will lead to an increased size and amount of new flower sites on your fruiting crops, causing them to expand and elongate. This early phosphorous and potassium boost not only speeds up the start of flowering but also has a positive effect on crop finishing times.

Key Features

  • Versatile Use: Suitable for a 6-week flower or longer. Use once on short crops and twice for longer crops
  • Compatible with Other Products: Works with any quality branded fertiliser and additive products
  • Minimal EC Increase: Will minimally increase EC values, unlike other bloom boosters. Full-strength fertilizer can be used with Bud Start without the need for dilution
  • Helps Stabilise pH: Assists plants in taking up all the nutrients they require during the early flowering phase
  • Foliar Spray Option: Can be used as a foliar spray

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