Biobizz Calmag

Sale price£7.86


Calcium and magnesium are essential for proper plant growth, yet deficiencies can occur in certain crops (due to soft water or RO). Biobizz Calmag works wonders for any gardener that needs an extra boost of these key elements, using 100% natural ingredients and a “friendly”, nitrogen-free formula

  • Prevent calcium and magnesium deficiencies
  • Essential in coco
  • Organic, nitrogen-free formula
  • Dilution rate: 0.5-1.5ml per Litre


Biobizz has 6 different organic certifications worldwide!

  1. Control Union Certifications: National Organic Program (NOP) Input
  2. Control Union Certifications: Organic EU Input
  3. Good Soil Quality Mark
  4. EnvirOganic
  5. Point Vert
  6. Clean Green Certification

How To Use

Dilution Rate: 0.5-1.5ml per Litre.

If treating RO/soft water, use from first watering to harvest. If using to correct a visible deficiency, use when required.

1ml per Litre of Biobizz Calmag will raise EC by 0.1 point. If treating RO or soft water add Calmag first until desired EC is reached, then add nutrients and additives.

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