Hesi PK 13/14

Sale price£14.00


Plants have an increased need for phosphorus and potassium during the flowering phase. Hesi PK 13/14 contains an abundance of these elements. By adding Hesi PK 13/14 during this stage of growth will help to ensure your plants produce the very biggest yields at harvest time.

How It Works

Hesi PK 13/14 has been designed specifically for people growing in coco or using a hydroponic system. The flowering period is the culmination of the plants life. At this stage it's metabolism is working to its maximum and it is producing a large amount of enzymes to help support flowering. As the plant is most likely now far bigger than it was during the vegetative and early flowering stages it now also needs more components, in particular phosphorus and potassium. Phosphorus helps the plant produce more of these vital enzymes and potassium helps with the transportation of nutrients around the plant. By adding Hesi PK 13/14 will greatly increase the amount of these vital elements that is available to the plant which in-turn helps the overall health of the plant as well as dramatically increasing the final yield.

How To Use Hesi PK 13/14

Hesi recommend that you use Hesi PK 13/14 from the second half of the flowering phase and stop one week before harvest. This will ensure the plant is not unnecessarily loaded with ballast or an excess of salt too early. The Hesi Feed Chart suggests a dose between 2.5ml - 15ml per litre of water.

Hesi PK 13/14 is available in 1 Litre and 5 Litre bottles.

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