Plagron - Coco Premium Growing Media 50L

Sale price£13.99


Thanks to its ideal structure Plagron Cocos Premium is the perfect base for your grow. Cocos Premium is fully buffered with a stable pH value. It is particularly suitable for fast growing plants. Cocos Premium meets the most stringent quality standards (RHP certified) and does not contain any fertilizers. It can be re-used as a soil improver. Cocos Premium produces the highest yields in combination with Plagron Cocos A&B and the additives from Plagron.

Dosage and use

Plagron Cocos Premium is a ready-to-use, soilless growing medium (Packaged Soil Amendment) for potting and re-potting all flowering plants. Start with fertilizing from the first day.


Buffered coco peat, buffered coco fibres.

pH 6.1 - 7.4
EN13037 pH (H2O)

EC  0.09 - 0.14
E.C. (1:1.5) [mS/cm]


50 L bag.

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