Rrotulloni imazhin për ta zmadhuarKlikoni mbi imazhin për të zmadhuar
Invincible plants: The best highly concentrated silicon in a monomer form, protects plants from temperature stress, pests and fungal diseases.
Biogreen X-Force is a premium highly concentrated silicon in a monomer form. Meaning that it’s readily bio-available for the plant and thus instantly promotes plant health and increases overall biomass for a plentiful harvest of quality crops.
This super absorbable form of silicon helps to create thicker membranes around the cellular walls thus improving the toughness of both stems and leaves.
It includes a host of compounds that reject fungal infection making it harder for insects to bite into the leaves and diseases to penetrate.
In addition, Biogreen X-Force helps to boost chlorophyll deposits converting sugar produced during photosynthesis to encourage plant growth and boost cellular activities.
It contains molybdenum which helps to improve the absorption of mineral nutrients and increases resistance to abiotic stress factors, such as sodium absorption (nutrient burn).
X-Force should be used throughout the entire cycle, from start to finish.
Dërgesë falas diskrete në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar me porosi mbi 99 £. Artikujt e mëdhenj/të rëndë mund të kenë një shtesë. Ju lutemi kini parasysh se disa porosi mund të zgjasin 2 deri në 4 ditë për të arritur.
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