Rrotulloni imazhin për ta zmadhuarKlikoni mbi imazhin për të zmadhuar
Food-grade silicone shell prevents loss of valuable plant compounds
Elevates natural herbal potency
Precision integrated thermometer with stay-cool external digital display
Oven-safe shell ensures maximum retention of beneficial phytonutrients
The most effective decarboxylation system available
This decarb device with integrated digital thermometer lets you calibrate your oven for accurate decarboxylation. The external display shows the temperature inside your DecarBox™ without you opening the oven, keeping temperatures stable. The silicone shell prevents loss of valuable plant compounds and helps lock in the smell of decarbing herb. Activate up to 56.7 g (2 ounces) of herbs at a time to your desired potency!
Weight: 0.366 Kg (13 oz) Width: 16.5 cm (6.5 Inches) Height: 22.9 cm (9 Inches) Depth: 7.6 cm (3 Inches)
Q: Why do I need to decarboxylate my herbs? A: Decarboxylation activates compounds within the herb to maximise its beneficial effects. This is especially important if the herb product is to be consumed without any other form of heating or cooking process.
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Dërgesa falas për porositë mbi 99 £
Dërgesë falas diskrete në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar me porosi mbi 99 £. Artikujt e mëdhenj/të rëndë mund të kenë një shtesë. Ju lutemi kini parasysh se disa porosi mund të zgjasin 2 deri në 4 ditë për të arritur.
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