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Money Shot Oil & Yield Enhancer provides a carefully crafted mineral blend of high-quality Phosphorus & Potassium – Essential for a successful crop
Contains a multitude of organic acids and amino acids
Increases flower mass & oil production
Improves taste & visual appeal
Increases size & weight of fruits & flowers
Designed for use in all types of growing system
Great value
British Minerals Money Shot helps increase the flower mass and oil production in flowering plants. It provides a mix of high-quality Phosphorus and Potassium to the plants flowering sites. These are provided in high concentrations which helps the plant uptake nutrients quicker while being easily available to the plant. When using British Minerals Money Shot, you will notice an increase in the size and weight of your flowers and fruits. Money Shot also contains a multitude of organic acids & amino acids. These are the building blocks of proteins and flowers. These acids will increase the plants metabolism allowing it to reach its full potential. This means taste, flavours and colours are all enhanced. Money Shot is designed for use in all grow systems and can be used with all soil applications.
One plant nutrient that is known to help with essential oil production is Potassium (K). This essential macronutrient plays a crucial role in many plant processes and functions and is involved in the production of various enzymes and proteins within the plant. Potassium helps to regulate plant metabolism and enhances photosynthesis; This leads to the production of sugars and carbohydrates which are then converted into oils. Additionally, potassium helps to increase the turgor pressure within the plant cells, which promotes the transport of water and nutrients throughout the plant. This increased pressure also helps to strengthen plant cell walls, which can lead to a tougher and more resilient plant overall. Furthermore, Potassium has been shown to help increase the size and quality of the oil glands themselves, resulting in a more desirable end-product. Overall, supplying your plants with adequate amounts of Potassium can be a great way to enhance oil production and improve the quality of your crops.
Shake bottle before use. Apply at 1-2ml/L of water. Use from week 1 of flowering to the end of the flowering phase. Suitable for all substrates and growing systems, use in combination with your regular feed. Do not apply above the recommended dosage, over application can produce a negative effect. Store out of direct sunlight and away from extremes of heat (4-30°C).
Available in 1 and 5 litres
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Dërgesa falas për porositë mbi 99 £
Dërgesë falas diskrete në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar me porosi mbi 99 £. Artikujt e mëdhenj/të rëndë mund të kenë një shtesë. Ju lutemi kini parasysh se disa porosi mund të zgjasin 2 deri në 4 ditë për të arritur.
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